Home Plate Marana has an extremely unique concept. We pride ourselves on offering the absolute best price, best value and creative atmosphere. When you walk in, you will feel a family-friendly, non-structured experience. There is something here for everyone. Our bartenders are all state certified, and dual as our servers. Our expeditors are fully trained on the menu and our customer service philosophy. Our kitchen crew is required to have extensive cooking experience and must be able to manage the kitchen alone, or in harmony with the rest of the kitchen staff. Once you seat yourself in the area of your choice, you will be waited on by one of our bartenders, or if you choose, you can place your order at the bar. After that, any employee will be at your beck and call. It is possible that more than one employee will visit your table to check on you and see if you need anything such as refills or more food. If while you are there, you wander into the pool room, or on the patio for batting, any employee that you see will once again bring you whatever you need, such as refills or more food. There is no need to go back to your table to get service. The crew will know where you are sitting, and maintain your tab. Our goal is to make you feel at home while being waited on. We appreciate your business, and are always open for suggestions.